LED intégré
Voici venu le temps de la technologie LED… La marque SHARM vous propose des plafonniers et suspensions en PVC. Appréciez la modernité, le design simple et épuré de nos différents modèles.
Diminuez vos factures d’électricité grâce au système LED intégré « Puissant et qui ne consomme pas ».
Imaginez le soleil dans votre salon...
Showing 25-27 of 27 item(s)
The pendant lights were very old invention for decorative lighting of any roofed space, pending from the ceiling to obtain full lighting that arrive to all corners of the room . Through many period of times pendant lights gained very good reputation for safe lighting ....
The pendant lights were very old invention for decorative lighting of any roofed space, pending from the ceiling to obtain full lighting that arrive to all corners of the room .
Through many period of times pendant lights gained very good reputation for safe lighting .
Since ancient times designers have endeavored to design beautiful and exotic...
The pendant lights were very old invention for decorative lighting of any roofed space , pending from the ceiling to obtain full lighting that arrive to all corners of the room .
Through many period of times pendant lights gained very good reputation for safe lighting, and designers have endeavored to find beautiful and exotic designs, using...